Monday, July 6, 2009

Into the great wide open

tomorow morning is the day! julieann and i have our carry-on's all packed...we'll see if we can actually swing it going the carry-on only route. we both know that coming back we will be anything but carrry-on only! julie ann's husband, josh is going to drive us to the airport at 5:00am, so we can fly out by 7:00.
there is about a snowball's chance in hell that i am going to sleep tonight, so it's good to be leaving nice and early! :)
i keep wondering what his skin feels like. i am going to touch all over his face. i am going to feel all of the valley's and bumps of his scars. if he will have it, i'm going to kiss him all over that sweet little face.....maybe even if he won't have it. he's in for it, that's for sure.
oh abba, hold his heart so close, and so carefully. give him every bit of peace that he needs to keep making it through these next days and weeks and months. thanks so much for bringing him this far, don't let go now. never let go.
jamison, there are two crazy ladies coming your way! well, at least one of them is crazy, but i won't say which one. all of the waiting is almost over. soon, my love, we will be together. counting the seconds.............


  1. we are lifting you up! can't wait to hear more!

    ~kellie musgrave

  2. Heather, I am so overjoyed for you. Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers and knowing that HE will bring about all good.

    Love from Elijah and the Wolfes

  3. We are following your journey to your new son with joy in our hearts! We traveled to China and Philip Hayden just last year in June to bring home our precious little son, Philip (Ollie from PHF). God bless you in your trip.

    Janet, Kevin, Ted, Philip, and waiting for Eli

  4. Heather, I'm dying here!!! Can't wait for your next post. Thinking about you and keeping you all in our prayers. Jamison's gotcha day is Elijah's 6 mth gotcha anniversary. :)

  5. I'm stalking you and called your house for an update. Desperate times call for desperate measures. :)

  6. For those of you anxiously awaiting news from Heather your not alone, I haven't heard anything yet either but fear not there is some news to tell. Heather's travel companion JulieAnn has been able to send 3 pictures and a couple emails to her husband and he forwarded those to me. So far from what I can tell Heather and Jamison are infatuated with each other and are spending every moment attached at the hip. He is singing and bouncing around everywhere. He is loved and everyone at PHF has been amazing! Heather has had problems connecting the the internet and has not been able to get into the blog so this might be a regular occurence, we'll just have to wait and see. Anyway I will wait to hear more and let you know what I hear. Thanks everyone for your patience and support!

  7. THANK YOU for the update, Scott!!! I've been dying over here! I'm teary thinking of them loving on each other.


  8. Thanks Scott! She was finally able to make a post on the PHF yahoo group. So sorry the communication has been poor. It's got to be tough being home and awaiting news. We are praying.
