Sunday, July 12, 2009

Hello everyone! Heather has just sent me an email and asked me to copy in what she wants added to the blog. So without further adieu her is the latest right from Heathers thoughts.

"we have left shepherds field and are now on the second leg of our journey. i wanted to take some time to tell you about what is going on right now for little Jamison. i knew that leaving shepherds field would be our first big test, and that has turned out to be true.
our honeymoon period has officially ended. Jamison is REALLY grieving his loss, as I believe he now very much understands that this is more permanent than he realized. He is lashing out toward me right now and in general testing the boundaries like crazy. he will pitch a fit if i don't give him his way....especially concerning calling shepherd's field and going swimming. he has started yelling and hitting himself and trying to hide from me.....this usually ends up working out in my favor as he can't see where to hide, and ends up in plain view:) he now says "No i love you mommy!!" in an effort to communicate his frustration.
i, so far have just physically put myself in his business. i hold him even when he says no, i hug him even when he is plugging his ears and yelling....and i keep telling him that i love him even though he is angry and hurting. i hope, in time, these fits will lessen and he will allow trust to get it's foot in the door. please keep praying. i need it badly right now. he does too. this is emotionally exhausting for me and for my friend Julieann who is with me.

now for good news!! in all of the times and spaces in between.....i get glimpses of his true personality. he is SO SMART, i can't wait for us to be able to communicate better....that alone would alleviate so much of his frustration. he loves to learn and is eager to figure out the world around him. he has a great sense of humor. oops...i gotta GO he;s awake and looking for me...i'll write more soon"


  1. Hey again guys! We are praying and I put you on our church prayer list last week. I wish I could be there to hug you Heather, as you hug Jamison! Be encouraged that the love you are investing will reap high returns for this little one who has already experienced more loss than most of those reading this, myself included. Heather, of all the people I know, you are the perfect mom for him. God chose you for such a time as this. Sometimes when I watch that scene in "The Grinch" where his heart grows and grows and bursts the cartoon xray box around it...that's how I visualize your heart for the hurting in the world. We love you and look forward to one day being able to hug Jamison ourselves.

    1 Peter 5:7 is truth...



  2. Heather -

    Our prayers are defintely with you in this tough time. Our little Philip, who is so bonded and attached with us now, had similar difficulties last summer when he left China. He, too, had really really loved living at PHF and grieved deeply upon leaving. When we brought him home, we thought he would settle into his new life here easily, but we were wrong.

    He tantrumed several times a day, preferred everyone else to us, and was so angry. You are doing all of the right things. We felt very lost at first and didn't always react well. When we began to do the things you are doing now, Philip slowly began to feel better and more secure.

    We will pray hard for you to have God's peace and wisdom. It will get better, and he will eventually feel your love and be secure.

    God bless you, Jamison, and your friend in this difficult time.

    Janet, Kevin, Ted, Philip, and waiting on Eli

  3. I'm praying. You ARE doing all the right stuff, but gosh that must be hard. I know that you were emotionally prepared for this kind of a reaction, but I can't wait until you're home with him and have more support around you. Love you.

  4. Heather~
    I wanted to let you know that I am praying for you,jamison and your friend that has come to help out. I used Jamison's story at a fundraiser that I did on July that the day you left? I am praying for his transition. I remember Tim telling us a story about Jamison and how he was when he came to PHF. It sounds like he is dealing with some of the same frustrations due to change as he did when he first came but more severe actions then because of loosing his dad.(and mother) Take heart..we see how he has ajusted at PHF so I have full confidence in the Lord that he will be able to ajust to you and the other monkeys :)
    I love you all and I am praying for you~
    Many Blessings~Misty
