Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Waiting Place

Our official approval from the united states government to bring a male child between the ages of 10-15 from china into this country has arrived. the united states says it's okay. now we are oh so patiently waiting for china to approve jamison's paperwork so that he will become "adoptable".

the portion of the chinese government in charge of special needs adoptions has had his file since september 25th. we are just waiting for them to approve his paperwork. once his paperwork is approved, the woman in charge of the special needs adoptions has promised to give jamison's file directly to our adoption agency so that we can be "matched" with him.

this is a hard process, this waiting. everyone adopting experiences a lot of waiting. it is so difficult knowing his medical needs, seeing him go through stressful and uncomfortable surgeries while we are so far apart from each other. so, some paperwork movement would be fantastic right about now!

jamison does not know about us yet. he knows that there are future plans for him to move to the united states, but he does not know why. he is waiting too.

so we all wait together, for paperwork and governments. for someone to come into work on a certain day in the right mood and decide to get his paperwork done. we wait. and hope. and pray.


  1. Heather, thanks for inviting me to follow along. Yes, the wait is oh so hard, but we both well know the rewards. If we honor Him during the wait we will be all the more blessed because of it. Praying for you and Jamison. Can't wait to hug him soon for you!! Love, Elijah's mom

  2. Heather I can't wait to hear the words He is ours!! coming from your computer!!Praying for you guys!
    Have a blessed Christmas!

  3. Soon. Hang in there, friends. Tom Petty knew what he was talkin' about... the waiting is the hardest part.

