Sunday, December 21, 2008

the money issue

So i was thinking while we are waiting for good news from China, and since i've been whining about waiting, i could at least tell you the VERY super cool and amazing story of the money for jamison's adoption.

when scott and i decided to move forward towards adopting jamison, we had no earthly idea where in tarnation we would come up with the money for another adoption. we are no where near paying off our first adoption. but we decided to try. we decided that since jamison was older and special needs that maybe we could qualify for a lot of grants. so we started the process with, truly, no way to pay for all of the adoption expenses.

our friend, josh made us this beautiful little website to help spread the word about jamison's story and about us being a little on the fund-lacking side of things. he also made us a facebook page for jamison. as a result of these kind gestures, a dear friend of ours called one day and was just expressing her excitement about the adoption. she then proceeded to share with us that there was someone who wanted to donate the entire cost of the adoption. this is a BIG deal. this does not just happen all of the time. we are talking about someong giving you the means to get to your child, someone making a way for you to be together. it was a totally unbelievable moment. i am grateful to abba. i still cry and get goose bumps when i remember that conversation. even as i type these words, i am still in shock. so, unspeakable thanks to our anonymous donor. our hearts are full of thankfulness.

there is amazing good in this process, and i need to remember that. so there is my happy post, free of whining and full of gratefulness!!


  1. That is incredible! Just like our God though, right? :)

  2. So amazing! There is good out there in this often dark and disappointing world. Thanks for the reminder!
